Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Kupat tahu

Kupat Tahu, Makanan Khas Magelang  

Kupat Tahu, Makanan Khas Magelang
Ketupat tahu Pak Slamet ala Magelang.
Kupat Know, special food Magelang
Yon Daryono
Kupat Know, special food Magelang
Ketupat know Pak Slamet la Magelang.

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28/05/2010 13:32
Liputan6.com, Magelang: If you go to Magelang, Central Java, it feels incomplete if it does not taste the Kupat know. Magelang special food is like ketoprak in Jakarta, but with spiced peanut sauce that tastes spicy, sour, and sweet.

We know Megelang Kupat singgahi shop owned by Mr. Slamet. Established since 1992 in Jalan Raya Magelang, Yogyakarta, Kupat know Pak Slamet has its own peculiarities. Famous seasoning sauce is thick and fresh. Not surprisingly, many customers Pak Slamet come from outside the area, such as Semarang and Jakarta.

Menu Kupat know fairly simple, consisting only of diamond blended tofu and sprouts. There unique flavor seasoning sauce, made from a mixture of garlic, cayenne pepper, soy sauce, and salt. Plus one secret spice family legacy, which withheld Pak Slame
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