Selasa, 25 Januari 2011


MANY people find it difficult to forget Magelang. Those who ever living in Magelang, whether school, college, work, or for other reasons, having long since left the area in a radius of spiritual Tidar hill, it is difficult to make do not feel missed. Especially those who were never born and raised in Magelang, when it should stay in another distant place, easy to hit home sick aka homesick.

Many reasons to remain ngangeni Magelang. That the writer Ayip Rosyidi like living in Pabelan. Mami Kato Japanese original vote Mendut to pass through life. Cultural Rendra once a month visited the area around the temple of Borobudur. Already a Minister was, Prof. Malik Fajar still taking the time to visit Pangenan, Deyangan. The late painter H Widayat spend the day with his parents founded the museum in the City Mungkid. People of theater Gandrik Butet Kartarejasa rumored already bought land in Magelang and in his old age getting ready to live in Magelang. Former Minister of lighting Budiarjo already in existence across the world, remains always return home, and founded the Hotel Maisonette tingal as memories of my hometown. The late YB Mangunwijaya, in almost every novel always mention the name of Magelang. In fact, if pulled far back, espionage figures of World War I, a lot of teasing the generals war Germany, Britain and France, the beautiful girl named Sun, also had been living in the vicinity of City Mungkid this. Inevitably Palbapang path-City artshop Mungkid now full gallery set up by the settlers both from Yogyakarta or from Bali.
What's interesting from Magelang? Because of Borobudur temple which misuwur it? Maybe. Because their villages are calm tentrem loh jinawi gemah ripah grammar Raharja Djakarta it? Maybe. Because the mountain without breaking a circular gemunungnya surround this region and form a chic silhouette configuration? Maybe. Because the girls are pretty modest and like to work (and I also chose one of them lo)? Maybe so. But of all the possibilities, there is one indisputable, Magelang rich in various specialties; full variant, delicious, cheap, and unique. Why eat? Because above all, the primary needs of human life and the first is eating.

Starting from the water, very, very different. Testimony of a friend, who is a cosmopolitan, has a house in Kalimantan, Batam, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Denpasar, to all Australians still have a ritual event 2 times a year to Magelang, just wanted to drink tea with water from the earth Magelang. "The water is unique, very different than any other corner of the earth" said my friend was convincing. True or not, please prove, try drinking tea together, but from a different source of water. Bedan right?
Menthog Gedhogan
And it must be admitted, one of the strengths is the wealth of different Magelang regency typical food that was almost incalculable. Want to eat what model, from any material, just go into subdistrict Gedogan Pakis, where we can eat meat menthog lemeng cooked with firewood and rice fields. In the bathhouse Kalibening and pisangan we can enjoy rice noodles pecel. In the market there opor Pucang duck never existed khabis end. Pak Broto in Glagah provide godhog rice mixed with chicken heads that tastes petai by Jove. In Plikon there menthog Centucky fried flavor made in Mbok Ju. In Payaman Mba Well provide the huamat segarr koyor cow. If you want to go to a lunch of fried rice Menayu, ten thousand dollars secured will not be home so kenyangnya. For business godhog noodles, Mr. Parno at Borobudur plot rival nothing so that the guests Hotel Safe Life always taken there (specificity noodle wet noodle Magelang is still fresh because disposable without preservatives). To try the fried noodle dishes near the high school Sarbini Mbak Fri, Muntilan.

Want rica-rica Menthog? Go to Bandongan or Pucang. But if rica-rica chicken, sir Sukis Muntilan market champion. Soto menu during the day many of these alternatives at the northern end soto Rahayu Grabag market, but Mr Sambi night in Ngrajeg will create a sense of surprise. Know Kupat Blabak not inferior to that in the corner of the town square. What kremes-kremes in Paremono available petho dent that tastes bitter if you stop eating. Want to eat river fish? Pak Slamet Mendut provides a menu tambra dazed, sometimes there are beong and pelus. If uceng most definitely fried in Muntilan Purnama Restaurant. RM Cindelaras lodheh kluwihnya unparalleled cuisine.
Clorot and asshole
The list could be extended again. Gudeg of Yogyakarta was in Muntilan no less tasty dishes such as Ms. Santi, Yu Dhenok, and Mbok Jayus alias Mba Well that eat the leaves in Muntilan Pincuk wear. At the end of the bridge after Blondo Elo times we can enjoy the fish fry sauce kosrek Yu Nah. But if the porridge, I think all the world's most delicious homemade Mother Sri Ayati Parsono who used to have a RM Saraswati Borobudur (Lhah now where ya?). yes of course if the international menu in large restaurants have already provided (I did not mention because unless the lack of taste, is also not typical of Magelang). Of course do not forget food kudapannya, from sticky tape Muntilan, Gethuk Panca Arga, slondoh and sagon Grabag, diamonds Salaman, until geblag, clorot and scum can be found at Borobudur Hotel Maisonette tingal.

In short, Magelang food warehouse. If Bondan Winarno for culinary tourism in the private TV must be traveling anywhere, in just one district Magelang already provide whatever. Unfortunately, it all has not been packed in a package tour, dikulinerkan (= art of culinary cooking and serving food), then offered to travel agencies for coming home from the Borobudur temple in Yogyakarta not need to eat, but eat in Magelang with a choice of various menus, which not only mak nyuuss ... ... but also cheap and unique.
We had been thought that the building was build tourism sights only. Though it would not mean that there is no other supporting facilities such as accommodation, food, cinederamata, art and culture, traditions, and acceptance masarakat. All mengkait each other, support each other, including culinary tours. Even this culinary question would be easier to introduce one region to another. Japanese go international with tempura, sukiyaki, yakiniku and sashimi. China with its bath tub (meatballs, noodles, dumplings), Italy with his spaghetti, Thailand with his tomyang, India with martabaknya, Swiss chocolate, the Netherlands with its cheese, the Arab countries with kurmanya, and much more. At the local level because we know West Java and lalapannya pickles, rice uduknya Betawi, rendang Padang because the cow, because lawarnya Bali, Makasar because sotonya, because satenya Madura, Malang because bremnya, because kangkungnya Lombok, Manado because chicken porridge, Jogja because gudhegnya , Solo because rice liwetnya, because lumpianya Semarang, Purwokerto because kripiknya, Banjarnegara because knapsack and dawetnya, and so forth.
Many have asked me, if after the eruption of Merapi, all food is still there? Oh ho, of course. In fact, because it adds tasty eaten fresh in a natural post-eruption of Merapi in the fragrant smell of ash dust wedhus trash.
Well, so do not shortchange about eating eat, because darinyalah popularity and image of a region will be awakened. Magelang regency is very rich in special food that is not owned by any other region. Let us offer, we show off to anyone. Of course, we should try it first. Not daring? I am ready to accompany anyway, definitely mak ... ... ..!*** nyuuss

1 komentar:

  1. Nikmat sekali selesai berlibur ke candi borobudur terus wisata kuliner di magelang.
